Special Session Guidelines

IEEE WCCI 2022 Special Session Organizer (Meta-reviewer) Guidelines

TL;DR (Executive Summary)

  • If any special session organizer submits a paper to their own special session, make sure to mark it as COI-SS organizers as a secondary keyword at submission time.
  • One of the Special Session organizers  will be registered as Meta-reviewer in CMT.
  •  All the papers submitted to your Special Session will be assigned to you.
  • All papers submitted to a Special Session will have 2 or 3 reviewers assigned by Conference PC chairs. You have to assign 1/2 additional reviewers before February 18th. The total number of reviewers per paper should be 4. They can be external to the program committee.
  • The total number of papers assigned to each reviewer should not exceed 5 papers.
  • The Special Session organizer acting as a meta-reviewer must write a detailed and thoughtful meta-review summarizing the main points raised by reviewers for each paper. It will include a recommendation of the acceptance/rejection of the paper, justified by the provided meta-review. That decision must be agreed by all the Special Session organizers.
  • The deadline for reviews is March 30th, 2022. If some of the papers assigned to you have less than 3 reviews at that date, you should contact and assign emergency reviewers that are willing to submit a review ASAP, in any case before April 12th. The emergency reviewers should not be authors of the papers submitted to the Special Session.
  • Your meta-reviews and suggestions for acceptance/rejection will be due on April 13th.

Meta-Reviewing Timeline

  • Feb  12-14 - Papers submitted to your Special Session (not marked with COI) will be assigned to you.
  • Feb 11-18 - Program Chairs finalize assignments.
  • Mar 30 - reviews due.
  • Mar 31- Apr 12 - emergency reviews.
  • Apr  13 - meta-reviews due (for special sessions).
  • Apr 26 - decisions mailed to authors by Program Chairs and Conference Chairs.


Thank you for having proposed a special session for IEEE WCCI 2022! Your help is vital to our community. Only the primary contact has been added to the review system, and (s)he will be responsible for all activities that have to be performed for your Special Session. Obviously, she/he should synchronize with the other organizers.

Conference system access

All meta-reviews activities must be performed through the CMT system.

Meta-Reviewers may visit this site multiple times and revise their reviews as often as necessary before the meta-reviewing deadline. When you were invited to become a meta-reviewer, you should have received an email with instructions on how to login to the system. Use your email address as the login id; you can change your password using the forgotten password feature.

Conflicts of interest

Papers submitted by Special Session organizers to their own session should not be assigned to the Special Session meta-reviewer. This is done by checking the “COI-SS organizers” subject area of the papers. If accidentally you get assigned to a paper where the author is one of the session organizers, or you see any other possible conflict of interest with some of your assigned papers, please notify it to the submission chair (nnavarin@math.unipd.it).

Reviewer assignment (starting February 12th)

Your first duty as Special Session organizer is to help us in assigning reviewers to the papers submitted to your session which fall within your area of expertise and interest, we need to gather your bids on the submissions.

The deadline to assign 1 or 2 reviewers for each paper (4 in total, since 2 or 3 will be assigned by the Program Chairs) is February 18th, 2022. Please make sure to consider the expertise and experience  of each reviewer when assigning them to papers. 

You can find instructions on how to assign reviewers at the following link:


How to assign reviewers to your papers

For each paper, click on “More -> Edit Assignments” to see the list of all possible reviewers for the paper.


Note that the great majority of reviewers have a maximum quota of 6 papers, although some will have stipulated fewer papers. The sooner you make your assignments, the larger the pool you will be able to draw on. Once a reviewer is at quota, you will not be able to assign additional papers to her/him.

Adding a new reviewer not already included in the IEEE WCCI pool is encouraged, but before adding a new reviewer, you should first confirm that your proposed reviewer is willing to review the paper. To add a reviewer, click on the “Reviewers” tab in the upper left corner, and then the “Actions” button on the upper right, followed by “Add Reviewer”.

Notice that all reviewers and reviews should be of high quality. In particular, master's students and first-year PhD student should not be added as reviewers.

Meta-Review process


By viewing the papers, you agree that the IEEE WCCI 2022 review process is confidential. Specifically, you agree not to use ideas and results from submitted papers in your work, research or grant proposals, unless and until that material appears in other publicly available formats, such as a technical report or a published work. You also agree not to distribute submitted papers or the ideas in them to anyone unless approved by the Program Chairs.

Double blind reviewing

This year, for the first time, we use double blind reviewing. The authors do not know the identity of the reviewers; this also holds for authors who are on the program committee. In addition, the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors. Note, however, that the Program Chairs do know the authors’ identities. This helps avoid accidental conflicts of interest or other forms of bias.

See section “Conflict of Interest” in this page for additional instructions. 

Writing your meta-reviews

1- Global Rating 

Meta-Reviewers choose an overall rating between six ranks for each paper. This rating has to consider reviewers’ suggestions

2- Comments to Chairs (not visible to authors)

This section should justify your global rating and summarize the main points (both for acceptance and for rejection) raised by the reviewers. Moreover, you should mention any other problem concerning the paper such as formatting defects.

Importantly, meta-reviewer’s comments should be detailed, specific and polite, and should filter out inappropriate contents in reviews such as vague complaints.

Meta-Reviewers should NOT assume that they have received an unbiased sample of papers, nor should they adjust their scores to achieve an artificial balance of high and low scores. Scores should reflect absolute judgments of the contributions made by each paper. 

Thank you for your contribution to IEEE WCCI 2022

Alessandro Sperduti and Marco Gori, IEEE WCCI 2022 General Co-chairs