Participation and Travel Grants


IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) offers two types of Travel and Participation grants to the IEEE CIS members who are interested to present at IEEE WCCI 2022: 

  • IEEE CIS Student Participation and Travel Grant Program: This program offers a limited number of grants to assist IEEE-CIS Student Members presenting papers at IEEE CIS conferences with financial sponsorship.
    Students of accepted papers are encouraged to apply at the earliest (after they have submitted the final version of the paper), till July 10th. Applications will be evaluated on an ongoing basis, and applicants will receive an acceptance
    notification within 2 weeks from their application.
  • IEEE CIS Conference Participation and Travel Grant Program for Researchers from Developing Countries: This program offers a very limited number of travel grants to assist IEEE-CIS Members of any grade higher than Student presenting papers at IEEE CIS conferences. 

For full instruction on how to apply, please click IEEE CIS Conference Participation and Travel Grants: 

How to become an IEEE CIS member?  
  • Become an IEEE member – full details are here
  • Become an IEEE CIS member – full details are here